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Qigong- vitalitet & helse

Gjennom enkle gi slipp øvelser løsner du spenninger i nakke, skuldre, armer og rygg, sinnet slapper av og energien(Qi) får strømme friere gjennom hele kroppen. Qigong består også av rolige myke bevegelse som øker vitalitet og velvære, styrker imunforsvaret og opplevelsen av å ha et solid senter hvor du kan hvile i deg selv.


Qigong is the Chinese philosophy and practice of aligning breath, physical activity and awareness for mental, spiritual and corporeal health, as well as the development of human potential.

It includes aspects of Ancient Internal Martial Arts and practice of spiritual awakening to one’s true nature. All types of Qigong overlap one another thus creating a common ground of practice. A Qigong system can be composed of one or more types of training.

Qigong is considered to be part of alternative medicine, with positive effects on various ailments.


Neigong, refers to any of a set of Chinese breathing, meditation and spiritual practice disciplines associated with Daoism and especially the Chinese martial arts.

An example of non-martial neigong is the discipline known as Daoyin. Well known examples of martial neigong are the various breathing and focus trainings taught in TAI CHI.

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